Truck Accident Attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, NY

Tractor-trailers and other commercial vehicles devastate the lives of thousands of New Yorkers each year. The enormity of these vehicles all but guarantee that victims will suffer severe injuries and property damage in a collision. A heavily loaded semi can easily outweigh a passenger vehicle by many times.

Unfortunately, so-called commercial truck “accidents” are often preventable and caused by negligence. Because of the dangers truck collisions present, truck drivers and their employers are subject to many state and federal safety laws. Laws such as these exist for a reason – to protect the drivers, other motorists and people who are injured in a semi-truck accident or other commercial vehicle crash.

Auburn, New York, Tractor-Trailer Accident Lawyers

At Littman & Babiarz, Attorneys at Law, our lawyers have more than 30 years of experience in representing injured clients in Ithaca, Auburn and throughout Central New York, in pursuing lawsuits against negligent truck drivers, their employers and their insurers.

We understand the devastating consequences that 18-wheeler truck wrecks and other commercial vehicle accidents can cause, and we use the power of the law to seek compensation for our clients’ injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of future income capacity, ongoing rehabilitation, wrongful death and other damages.

Our Central New York personal injury attorneys can investigate and identify the specific causes that caused your injuries, including:

  • Equipment malfunctions caused by inadequate employer or driver maintenance
  • Failure by drivers and employers to follow requirements for rest periods and time off of the road (driver fatigue)
  • Drug or alcohol use by a driver
  • Weight overloads
  • Poorly secured loads

With the assistance of accident reconstructionists and other experts, our lawyers can determine how your accident happened and which parties are liable for your injuries. We can then represent your interests before a jury or in negotiations from a position of strength.

Free Consultation | Ithaca Truck Accident Lawyers

To schedule a free initial consultation at which we can discuss how Littman & Babiarz, Attorneys at Law, can assist you, please contact us online or by calling our Central New York law offices in Ithaca and Auburn, at 607-277-7527.