personal Injury Lawyers in Ithaca Auburn and Syracuse

Are you Able to File Both a Workers Compensation Claim and a Personal Injury Claim for Your Injury in New York State?

Lisa BabiarzNews, Personal Injury & Workers Compensation

There are differences between personal injury law and Workers Compensation law in The State of New York. In most cases, Workers Compensation cases and personal injury claims are handled separately. Littman & Babiarz, Attorneys at Law, are experienced personal injury lawyers in Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, and Elmira, as well as Workers Compensation attorneys in New York State. When you become …

Workers Compensation attorneys in Syracuse

Workers’ Compensation Laws in the Healthcare Industry

Lisa BabiarzNews

At Littman & Babiarz, we see on-the-job injuries in the healthcare industry all too often. As your experienced workers’ compensation attorneys in Syracuse, NY and the surrounding areas of Central New York, we know how to provide assistance when nurses, medical assistants, or other skilled staff suffer injuries while caring for others. These tireless professionals in the Veteran’s Administration and …

workers compensation lawyers in Syracuse, Ithaca, Auburn and Elmira

The Hidden Costs Not Covered Under Worker’s Compensation Insurance

Lisa BabiarzNews

Worker’s Compensation Insurance is a safety net for workers who suffer an injury on the job. Every state, including New York, requires employers, with certain exceptions, to carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance on their employees. While Workers Compensation is there to protect workers, those filing a claim are often surprised by the post-injury expenses that are not covered under regular insurance. …

disability lawyers in Auburn and Syracuse New York

Employee vs Independent Contractor, How NY Workers Compensation Impacts Each

Lisa BabiarzNews

The relationships between employers and employees and that between employers and independent contractors pose significant differences under New York law. This is important when considering whether or not an employer must obtain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for workers. While this article will provide some guidance, Littman & Babiarz Attorneys at Law, workers’ compensation lawyers in Syracuse, Auburn, Ithaca and Elmira, …

personal injury attorneys in Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca and Elmira

Personal Injury Cases Increase With the Rise of Outdoor Activity

Lisa BabiarzNews

As more of us are enjoying the outdoors during the warm summer months, the risks of personal injuries typically increase. Professions with heightened outdoor responsibilities usually experience more accidents and injuries.Those who administer and maintain recreational places sometimes take too many shortcuts and their negligence can endanger innocent pleasure seekers. Heightened  outdoor activity can take the following forms: Construction work …