Workers Compensation attorneys in Syracuse

Workers’ Compensation Laws in the Healthcare Industry

Lisa BabiarzNews

At Littman & Babiarz, we see on-the-job injuries in the healthcare industry all too often. As your experienced workers’ compensation attorneys in Syracuse, NY and the surrounding areas of Central New York, we know how to provide assistance when nurses, medical assistants, or other skilled staff suffer injuries while caring for others. These tireless professionals in the Veteran’s Administration and …

The Workers Compensation Attorney’s Role in the Compensation Claims Process

The Workers Compensation Attorney’s Role in the Compensation Claims Process

Lisa BabiarzNews

If you live in Central New York and have recently suffered an injury or illness due to an accident at your workplace or because of the negligence of your employer, you may have many questions: What kind of benefits can I receive? Do I need a lawyer to represent me? What can a lawyer do for me? You are entitled …

employment law firm in Geneva New York

Can On-the-Job Stress be Claimed under Workers Compensation

Lisa BabiarzNews

Stress is a growing health concern among the adult population, and work-related stress is a common workplace complaint. A growing question faced by workers compensation lawyers in Central New York is, “Can on-the-job stress be claimed under Workers Compensation laws in the State of New York?” The experienced attorneys at Littman & Babiarz know the answer is not as simple …

personal injury attorney in ithaca

Why You Should Seek Legal Advice for Your On-the-Job Injury

Lisa BabiarzNews

When an injury at work occurs, many people shy away from contacting workers compensation lawyers in central New York. Your employer has workers compensation insurance to cover such occurrences, so you may assume an attorney is not necessary. You may choose to trust the system with your treatment, recovery, overall health and livelihood. This can prove to be a serious …